Do you have an amazing story you’ve been dying to tell, but just don’t feel you have the writing skills to do it justice?

If the answer is yes, then you've come to the right place: I've been a freelance copyeditor/proofreader for a while now, and I've worked on all kinds of projects...but what I really excel at--my superpower, if you will--is taking a finished manuscript and making it shine. Most copyeditors will take a manuscript and offer … Continue reading Do you have an amazing story you’ve been dying to tell, but just don’t feel you have the writing skills to do it justice?

Finally going to publish that book? Then you need an editor–because Grammarly isn’t enough.

No matter how many times you've read through your precious manuscript, I can guarantee you that there are still corrections and improvements to be made. I know--because I'm a writer, too--and I've been there. Writing has always been my passion–and out of that passion, almost by default, grew a staunch conviction that, if you are … Continue reading Finally going to publish that book? Then you need an editor–because Grammarly isn’t enough.

P is for Proofreading — Sue’s Space

Yes! Yes! Professional proofreaders DO exist!! 😉 Great post. We’re just starting Week P in our A-Z series of writing. I’m going to talk about Proofreading today. First of all, professional proofreaders exist. These helpful individuals have trained eye that can spot errors in every line of your manuscript. From missing commas and incorrectly placed … Continue reading P is for Proofreading — Sue’s Space

Editing Your Draft – Crutch Words — Author Don Massenzio

I am currently hard at work editing my 90K+ collection of short stories that will be published soon. As I go through this work and apply some of the things that I’ve learned editing other authors’ works, I found that I have some crutch words. In public speaking, crutch words are things like ‘um’ or […] … Continue reading Editing Your Draft – Crutch Words — Author Don Massenzio

How To Be An Expert Typo Hunter — K.M. Allan

You’ve got to be a lot of things when you’re a writer. Not only do you need to craft characters and worlds from nothing, bring together a cohesive story, and take hundreds of random words and arrange them into sentences that make sense, you also need to check those sentences for mistakes. But when you’ve […] … Continue reading How To Be An Expert Typo Hunter — K.M. Allan